Creativity Disappearing?
Ted conferences has a video of a man Sir ken Robinson which is where he discusses if schools are killing creativity. He states there are three themes and the first is the extraordinary of students creativity. Second is the students put it in a place but have no idea where it is. FInally, third is how extraordinary the childrens capacity are. Robinson says “All kids have talent” but its the way they are expressing them. Adults believe dancing and singing with get you know where. That the students are incapable of making it to the big time. The teachers in school are having the students focus on careers that will make them money. Instead of teaching from the waist down teachers are teaching from the waist up. Students are getting pushed in a particular way and people do not even know what the future holds. They have a general idea but it can change in the blink of an eye.
I agree with Sir Kin Robinson that "students get educated out of creativity"because the adults believe that they should be pushed towards something that will bring them sucess with money. In actuallity anything can give you sucess if you decide to put your mind to it. It would be hard but if someone is willing or is born to do so, they will succeed.